AC VOGEL endeavours to help your brand growing and achieving its full potential by offering a unique list of services to fulfil your brand’s needs in order to establish and maintain a strong, modern and forward-looking business in a competitive and evolving market.
Creative Direction
Marketing a business means having a lot of evolving parts including strategy, storytelling, imagery and more. Creative Direction is the process that oversees it all; creating aesthetic imagery communicating the brand values, exposing it through the right communications in order to fulfil the
company goals - whether it is reaching a certain target group or improving the bottom line. AC VOGEL helps your brand grow and achieve it’s full potential by devising the strategy, provide creative consulting and execute parts of the strategy within the following services.
Art Direction
The essence in AC VOGEL’s creative work is to identify the core values in a specific business and create a visual communication around that. Art Direction is creating a clear aesthetic identity through imagery of high quality that appeals to your target audience by
activating an emotional affection. AC VOGEL excels in creating campaign images and is also experienced in forming a new visual identity through graphical work (logo, monogram, fonts and colours) for brands that wish a rebranding for a stronger reputation.
Social Media Management
A clever digital communication is essential for a brand’s worldwide exposure. AC VOGEL is not only contributing with the imagery created through the Art Direction, but is also creating the supporting written storytelling with the right tone of voice.
Furthermore, AC VOGEL is offering a full Social Media Management, exposing created or provided content directly on your brand’s social media in line with the visual identity and digital communication strategy.
Public Relations
The right Public Relations strategy cultivates a positive reputation for your brand with the public through various communications, including traditional media, social media and influencer engagements. The effectively devising and executing a global communication strategy will result in stronger and continuous brand awareness in the
public and the press, maintaining the existing loyal target group or give rise to a new one - depending on the strategy. AC VOGEL offers to devise the Public Relations strategy, support and guide your company in implementing it and personally execute specific parts of it, depending on the brand.